Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm so huuunnngggrrryyy!

Oscar had already finished the small bowl of dog food that Madeline had poured into his bowl before she left for school. Just one small scoop because Mom and Dad had said that he was getting pudgy. Now he was laying in the middle of the living room floor pouting. "I'm so huuunnngggrrryyy!"
he moaned. GURGLE...GURGLE....RUMBLE...RUMBLE....GRRRRRLLL His stomach was making horrible noises. "If only I knew how to cook." He thought.
 He stood up and started pacing in circles around the coffee table. "A HA! I've got it!" he said and then he took off running upstairs. "OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY!" he was so excited that his tail was wagging as fast as a helicopter.
Oscar quickly pulled on his blue jeans using his teeth to help pull them up. Next he struggled to push his head through his sweatshirt. "AAAAHHHH! Who turned out the lights!" Oscar yelled as he fell over with the sweatshirt covering his head. He was having a little trouble getting his head through the neck of the sweat shirt because his nose kept getting stuck! "WHEW!" Finally he managed to push his head through. Last he hid his ears under his baseball cap. "Perfect" he told his reflection.
 A few minutes later he was pulling the door closed. He patted his pocket to make sure that his money was there and then he headed down the street.
A short walk later and Oscar was opening the door to Sam's Hamburger Hut. He had planned to go and get the biggest burger that his money would buy...he ended up with a job!

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