Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Gigantic Burger

The parking lot of Sam's Hamburger Hut was full of cars and inside the restaurant was packed. There were people waiting in line and they were starting to get restless.  "Where's my order?" "How much longer?" "This is not my right order." People were grumbling. They were hungry and in a hurry. A Big Sign Posted near the cash register said...NOW HIRING! mmmmm...Oscar thought; "It seems that maybe they could use some help right now." He smiled to himself and then worked his way through the crowd.
He quickly slipped behind the counter and headed toward the grill. "Who are you?" the frazzled man at the grill asked. "I'm Oscar Fido...uh...Sam hired me." he told the man with a smile. "Great! You get started I'm going on break." the man said as he tossed Oscar his apron and hat.
Oscar had never really cooked before...but it couldn't be that hard right? " One large cheeseburger coming up!" he yelled. He picked up one hamburger patty, then another and another and another and another and then he squished them all together. He then put his gigantic creation on the grill.  "DOO DOO, LA LA LA LA LA LA, DUM, DOO DOO, LA LA LA LOOK AT ME I"M A CHEF!" Oscar sang as the huge hamburger cooked. It began to sizzle. SNIFF! SNIFF! SNIFF! WOOF!  It smelled delicious! Maybe nobody would notice if he took a small bite. CHOMP! Oscar bit into the burger. "YOOOWWWLLL! WATER! WATER!" Oscar cried and then he ran toward the sink and stuck his head in the water in the sink. It was filled with dishes but his mouth was burning to bad for him to care. SLURP! SLURP! was followed by BUUURRRPP!
The frazzled chef walked up just as Oscar was pulling his head out of the sink. His  nose was covered in soap suds and his ears had slipped out from under his hat. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Frazzled cook said in a shocked voice. "I...uh...I...well it smelled so good...I just..." Oscar said sheepishly. He looked from Oscar to the gigantic half eaten burger beside the grill and the yelled to the girl up front. "NEW GUY...COMING YOUR WAY!"
"I could have sworn those were dog ears...what was Sam thinking....no way he would hire a dog....wait a minute dogs can talk...I must be going crazy...I really need a day off..." Frazzled Chef murmured to himself as he watched Oscar head toward the front counter.

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