Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pet Sitter Needed

"Pet Sitter needed. Day time hours only. Little to no pay. Meals provided. Call..." Oscar read aloud from the classified ads in the local newspaper. "MEALS!!! Where's the phone!!!"
Oscar ran into the kitchen and grabbed the phone off the counter where Mom had left it when she and Madeline left this morning. "Hello." Oscar heard on the other end of the line. "Yes. I am calling about the pet sitting job...I am really interested in the FOOD...I mean the job." Oscar spoke into the phone. A few minutes later and he was dressed and headed out the door to Barb's Breakfast Bistro down the street to meet Mrs. Jewel. Since the day was nice and the restaurant was so close Oscar decided to walk. 
It might have been the green plaid pants, or maybe it was the purple polka dotted shirt or maybe it was the fact that his furry tail had slipped out and was wagging like crazy but people were really starting to notice the strange man walking down the street. As he headed toward the door Oscar took a moment to straighten his blonde curly wig and pull his green baseball cap over his ears; then he opened the door and walked inside.
"Hello. I am Mr. Oscar Fido." he said as he stretched his paw out to the lady sitting at the table. "Nice to meet you Mr. Fido. I am Mrs. Jewel and this is Olive." the lady replied. "She is a few weeks old and needs constant looking after and I do not want to leave her while I am at work. As I mentioned there will not be much pay but I will provide breakfast and lunch. I will be home by 2:00 each day. Are you..." "I'll do it." Oscar said excitedly before Mrs. Jewel had a chance to finish. He was so excited he had big plans...this was going to be really fun.

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