Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pancakes Anyone?

Oscar was laying in his bed and listening carefully for the sound of the garage door going back down. At the sound of the last squeak of the door he leaped out his bed and ran into the living room. He shoved his paw under the couch cushions and grabbed the clothes that he had hidden the night before. He quickly dressed and then ran upstairs to Madeline's room to borrow a few things. "I'm going to need this...and some of those...and maybe this." he mumbled as he grabbed things and shoved them into a backpack.

Few minutes later he was walking through the neighborhood with a bulging backpack with two pink handles sticking out the back. He arrived at Mrs. Jewel's house right at 9:00. "Good morning Mr. Fido, Come in." Mrs. Jewel said as she opened the door.  Olive was jumping around her feet and yapping for attention. "I have to leave for work. You will find pancakes for you and a bowl with Olive's breakfast waiting in the kitchen."
Oscar watched as the Mrs. Jewel's van drove down the street and turned the corner; once her car was completely out of sight. He started jumping up and down and yelling; "OH BOY PANCAKES! OH BOY PANCAKES!" He ran toward the kitchen on all fours with Olive chasing him and grabbing for his tail which had already slipped out of his jeans and was wagging like crazy.
There sitting on the table was a plate full of pancakes all for him! They were dripping with syrup and butter and looked delicious! "Patience Oscar...you have to take care of Olive first." he reminded himself. He sat the bowl of dog food down on the floor for Olive and then made sure she had fresh water. She looked up at him and wagged her little tail. Oscar smiled. "This is going to be pretty great...its like I'm her Uncle."
After he had taken care of feeding and watering Olive he turned back toward the table...his eyes got huge and then he dove in. He looked at the fork beside his plate and then just dove in nose first taking huge bites of pancakes. Soon his face was stuffed with pancakes and his cheeks were covered in syrup and his paws kept sticking to the table. 
Oscar had almost eaten the whole stack when he heard something. MMMMMMPH! MMMMMMPH! MMMMMMPH! YAP! YAP! He looked down and there stood Olive dancing on two legs in circles begging for food. He turned back toward his pancakes and tried to ignore the noise. MMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMPH! Olive got louder. "Jeez! I see why Mom and Dad always put me in the laundry room during dinner, this is a little annoying!" Oscar said. He bent his head down to take a bite but couldn't he felt to guilty. "OK. Here you go. You can have the last pancake." Oscar told Olive as he sat the plate in front of her. She was soon a small sticky ball of fur. UH-OH! We are a mess thought Oscar...oh I HATE TAKING A BATH!

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