Thursday, February 17, 2011


Oscar got out of the cab in front of the administration building and turned to pay the cab driver. The cab driver was still so confused about this whole experience that he drove off without waiting to be paid. "Oh, well." thought Oscar as he put his money back into his pocket. Adjusting his tie he walked in to his new classroom and waited for his students to arrive.

Students of all ages began to come into the classroom. Each one doing a double take as they came in and a few even taking off their glasses and cleaning them before putting them back on. "Is that a dog?" whispered one student to another. SNIFF! SNIFF! SNIFF! Oscar threw his head back took and deep sniff as each person walked through the door. When the last student arrived he turned toward his class straightened his tie and began.
"Ahem. Welcome to Dog Traing 101. Tonight we will learn proper ways to train your dog. My name is Oscar...uh...Fido. Yes my name is Oscar Fido. Let's begin." Whew! That was a close one thought Oscar I should have thought about a last name. People are so strange always using two or three names when one works just fine.
"Did everybody remember to bring their dog treats? I prefer real chicken...oops I meant most DOGS prefer chicken."

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