Oscar headed toward the dining room area and the tall skinny boy who was washing down the tables. "Hi. I'm Jake." The boy said as Oscar walked up. Oscar grinned and waved. "It's pretty easy working in the dining room. All you really have to do is wash the tables and throw away in trash left on the tables. Do you think you can do that?" Jake asked. "I can do that!!!" Oscar was excited...he really thought it was going to go well this time. "Good. Here is the cleaner and a cloth. Let's get started." Jake said.
Oscar licked the table! |
Oscar grabbed the supplies and headed toward a table that a mom and little girl and had just left. He grabbed the bottles and tried to spray. SQUEEEEZE! Nothing. SQUEEEEZE! Nothing. He was having a really hard time squeezing the bottle with his paws. He even tried squeezing with his mouth but that didn't work either. Oscar tried again a couple more times but then he had great idea. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching and then he hopped up on the table...and starting licking it! SLUUUP! SLUUUP! SLUUUP! Oscar was so proud of himself...this was one of his best ideas ever! In fact he was getting a little excited and his tail was wagging like crazy and was starting to show. He was so busy licking the last bit of ketchup off the table that he didn't hear Jake yelling. "OOOOSCAAAR! You can't lick the tables!" Jake said as he ran up to the table Oscar was standing on.
Oscar hopped down but he still thought that licking the table was a better idea. I can't believe that Sam hired this guy! Thought Jake. "Why don't you just clear the tables of trash...I'll wash them. OK?" Jake asked. Oscar nodded and trotted off toward a table that a group of teenagers had just left. "WHAT A MESS!" he said to himself. The table was covered with french fries. MMMMMM...Oscar was thinking. "It really seems like a waste to just throw these away..." He looked around and then stretched he nose across the table and....CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP! He gobbled the fries as fast as he could. Just as he was grabbing the last fry he heard the door opening; he looked up and saw...
Sounds like Oscar gets into a lot of mischief!