After all that horse trouble Oscar decided he had better go to a different part of the festival. The horse lady still looked pretty upset. He wasn't sure where he wanted to go but then He saw.....'' A DANCE PARTY ! OH BOY! A DANCE PARTY!" Oscar ran excitedly toward the shelter were the dance was going on. Just as Oscar arrived to the dance party he yelled "A HA!"
Oscar had thought up a new silly dance. He started jumping around and wagging his tale and then running circles. "COME ON EVERYBODY DO THE OSCAR DANCE! JUMP! WOOF! CLAP! JUMP! WOOF! CLAP! WHOOOOOOOOOWHOOOOOOOOOO! WAG YOUR FUZZY TAIL! CLAP! CLAP! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! WOOF!" Oscar sang as he danced.
Over and over Oscar kept singing his silly song and doing his silly dance. Soon people were starting to join in and dance with him. Kids were doing the Oscar dance and having fun. Moms and Dads were laughing and they were doing the Oscar dance too.
"This is so much fun!" said a little boy named Braydon as he danced along with Oscar. "I think so too. Want to be my friend?" Oscar asked Braydon and his brother Jacsen. "Hey you're the kid from the horses!" Jacsen said excitedly. Oscar just grinned and kept on dancing. He was so excited...he was dancing and now he had made two new friends!
Just then the intercomm came on ."THE NEXT DANCE CHAMPION IS........Oscar waited and waited. "Yeeeeeeeeesss? Tell Us! Tell Us! Tell Us!" Oscar could hardly wait to hear who the winner was. Then the man said in an excited voice, "OSCAR FIDO!"
"I WON! I WON! I WON!" He got so excited and jumped around so much that his ears popped out of his hat. "See I told you he was a dog!" Jacsen whispered his brother as he pointed to Oscar's furry pointed ears. They both giggled because they didn't care it was so much fun to see a dog that could talk, ride horses and dance!
Oscar finally calmed down enough to walk to front to receive his prize...
A giant trophy and a free pizza! "WhoooooWhooooo! Woof! Yeah! Woof! WhoooWhooo! Thank you! Thank You!" Oscar said over and over again. He grabbed the trophy and the pizza licked the announcer and ran off to find his new friends. "Eeeew! Gross! That kid just licked me!"
ReplyDeleteAs usual, you have written some wonderful stories! I can't wait to see what adventure Oscar has next.
Mrs. Clark