Thursday, February 24, 2011

What an

Oscar opened up his backpack and grabbed the pink handles poking out and pulled out Madeline's doll stroller. Then he reached his paw in and pulled out a handful of baby doll clothes. "Oh...OLIVE...come here puppy! We're going some where fun!" Oscar whistled and called for Olive. Olive came bouncing down the hall and leaped on Oscar and began nipping at his nose and licking his face. "OK...OK...settle down. I have to get you dressed."
It took awhile, mainly because Olive kept trying to play tug with the clothes, but Oscar finely got Olive all dressed up.
A few minutes later Oscar was walking down the street pushing a stroller with a very strange looking baby in it. She was wearing a pink baby doll dress with little flowers all over it. On her head was a baby doll bonnet and the strings were tied under her little chin. Her mouth was wide open and her tongue was hanging out as she peaked over the side of the carriage.
 Olive wasn't being a very good or quiet baby either. She kept barking every time they passed a car, person, bike or another dog. They quiet a few stares...nobody had ever heard a baby go "YAP!YAP!" before. Luckily for them nobody was willing to get close to investigate the noisy baby. They made it to the bus stop and climbed on board.
Oscar sat down next to an elderly lady on the bus. She was digging through her purse and seemed to be looking for something. "Hello" Oscar said and smiled at the lady. The lady squinted her eyes and then smiled back at Oscar. Then she looked down at the stroller. "Oh what an adorable baby!" She cooed. At this point Olive decided to start barking again...YAP! YAP! YAP! "Oh, my!" exclaimed the lady, "What a noisy baby....I never heard a baby sound quite like that." UH-OH thought Oscar.
The lady had finally found what she was digging for...her glasses and was just putting them on when Oscar was stepping off the bus. "AAAHHH! Did you see was dog pushing a stroller!" She squealed.
A few minutes later and Oscar and Olive were in the library. A sign outside the children's area read "STORY TIME-NOW". Oscar pushed the stroller with Olive in it toward the circle of kids and moms that he saw in the corner. He found a chair and sat down. Everything went great at first. Olive was quiet and Oscar was really enjoying the was about dinosaur bones! In fact he was enjoying the story so much that he was starting to forget that he was supposed to be a person and not a DOG! "What happened next! What happened next!" he yelled anxiously. "Turn the page....look at the size of those booWHOOOO!!WHHHOOO!...I mean look at the size of those bones!" Oscar looked around to see if anyone had noticed. No they were much to busy noticing Olive climbing out of the stroller.

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