It seemed like Oscar had to wait forever; but it was really that long before he saw a large group of people walking toward the shelter. "OH BOY! OH BOY!" he jumped around and clapped his paws. He was really excited about all his friends arriving. "Hellooooo!" he yelled out to all his friends. Then he could wait no more
...he ran off to greet them. ON ALL FOURS! "I'm soooo glad you came to my first Halloween party! We are going to have soooowhoooo whoooo much fun!" He gave each guest a big wet sloppy dog kiss. They were not very happy about that. "YUCK! THAT IS GROSS!" said Mom. "Boy this kid is really strange," mumbled Madeline. "SORRY!" Oscar said to his friends, "but I am just so glad that you came!"
Just then Sam walked up. "Hey Oscar. Thanks for inviting me to your party. I know that you have been a little mischievous at my restaurant; but I decided to make you a surprise anyway." Then he opened up a long box, inside were rows of scary burgers! They had spooky eyes made out of pickles and olives. Some even looked like mummies, they were made out of shredded cheese! "These are great! Thank you! Thank you! The guests will love these, " Oscar mumbled as he stuffed two burgers in his mouth and started chewing. NAMB! NAMB! NAMB! BURRRP! Sam shook his head a walked off to join the rest of the party. "That kid sure is weird...but he is really fun to be around!"
Oscar finished chewing his burgers and turned around to see where all the yapping was coming from. He saw Mrs. Jewel and Olive walking toward him. Olive was wearing a pink daisy flower costume. It was the same one that Oscar had tried; but it looked much better on little Olive. She was adorable! Ms. Jewel was wearing a gardener's costume. She had on a long apron with gardening tools in all the pockets. "Here Oscar, we brought a special treat for your party," Ms. Jewel said as she opened the box. "YIKES!" Oscar screamed and ran off! "OSCAR! Come back you silly boy. They are just cookies. They are not real spiders!" Ms. Jewel yelled. Oscar turned around and walked slowly back, and peeked into the box. HEE! HEE! HAAA! HAAAAA! He laughed and laughed at how silly he had been. Then he grabbed few cookies and started to munch. CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP! "MMMMMDEEEELICIOUS!" he told Ms. Jewel as he gave her a big hug. "THANKS!"
SNIFF! SNIFF! SNIFF! " What is that smell? It smells sooooo goooood! Where is it?" Oscar waved by and ran off to find the source of the wonderful smell. He found it on the table in front of Ady, Justin, and their mom. Their mom had made chocolate cupcakes! They looked just like CATS! "WOW! CUPCAKES! These look great!" Oscar grabbed a cupcake and started chewing paper and all! "Oscar, you have to take the paper liner off first," said Ady and Justin's mom. Oscar didn't hear a thing, he was too busy chewing. He thanked her and then walked off to greet the rest of his guests.
"ATTENTION! IT'S TIME FOR THE COSTUME CONTEST!" Oscar announced to his guests. Everyone lined up and Oscar walked around and looked and each wonderful costume. It was hard to judge, because they were all great. "Wow! Great dragon costume Sam." "You do look adorable Olive!" "Ady you are such a silly looking monkey!" "YIKES! You're monster costume is so scary, Justin." Oscar walked by talking to each guests and looking at their costumes. Finally he had made a decision...."WE ARE ALL WINNERS!!! Now let's go party!" They all went over to the tables and had delicious spooky burgers and plenty of delicious treats. They even got to carve their own pumpkins! Everybody was having a great time, but it was getting late and it was time to go home. "Bye!" Oscar waved to his guests as they walked back to their homes. "See you next time!"
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