Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chaos at the Greeno House!!

The bus the came to a halt in front of the Greeno house. "This is your stop lady," said the bus driver. The other passengers were relieved! After leaping off the bus Oscar ran on all fours toward the door. He jumped up and started scratching on the door! EEEEEEEKKK! SCRAAAATCH! Then he started howling, "WOOOOOWHOOOOOO!" A little boy peeked out of the window. He had a very surprised look on his face. "MOOOOM. I think the new babysitter is here!," he called out.

A few minutes later Amanda opened the door. "Come in! I really have to hurry to get to work," She said to Oscar as she rushed out the door. "BYEEEE!," She yelled as the car drove off. "OH BOY! KIDS! I LOVE KIDS! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN!," Oscar jumped up and down as he talked to Justin. Ady was watching all the jumping and decided she wanted to jump too! "Hey! I know a great place to jump," Oscar said as he ran off down the hall to look for a bedroom. He rushed into Justin's room with Justin and Ady following right behind him. They leaped onto the bed and started JUMPING! BOING! BOING! BOUNCE! BOING! THUMP! "OOOOWWWWWWW!!," That hurt my tail Oscar cried. Justin tried to make Oscar feel better, "It will be OK. Come on Mom always give a bandaid when I get hurt." They went to the bathroom and Justin got out the bandaids. "MMMMM," thought Oscar. If one bandaid helps then all of them will really make me feel better! Oscar, Justin and Ady took the bandaids and one by one stuck them all over Oscar's furry tail.  When they were finished it was completely covered in bandaids!!! (Justin did think it was little strange that this granny had a dog's tale!)
"Thank you. I feel so much better. Boy all that jumping made me really hungry. Lets go have a snack," Oscar said to the kids. They trotted off together back to the kitchen where Oscar started digging through the refridgerator for something to eat. "Would you like some cookies?," Oscar asked. "YES! WE LOVE COOKIES!," Justin yelled and Ady grinned and jumped in agreement. "OK. Sit down at the table and I will bring your cookies and milk," he replied. He piled a bunch of the cookies on a plate, poured three glasses of milk, and headed toward the table.
Ady grabbed a cookie and put in her mouth. SPLLAUUGHH! She spit it out! Justin was stilling looking at the "cookies" in surprise. "These aren't cookies! These are dog treats for my dog! YUCK!," Justin said to Oscar. Oscar didn't hear a thing. He was too busy eating! NAMB! NAMB! NAMB! NAMB! BURRRRP!
"NAP TIME!" Oscar called to the kids. "WWWWAHHHH!!! AHHHHHHH!" Ady started to cry. She didn't want to go to sleep! All that crying made Oscar so sad. "WWWWAAAAAAHHHH! BOOOOOOO!!! HOOOOOOO!," Oscar cried and cried. Finally Justin picked Ady up and helped her into her crib. "WAAAAAAHHHH! WAAAAAAHHH!" She cried. "Maybe she needs her bottle," wondered Justin. He ran to the kitchen and fixed her bottle. When he came back into the room he found Oscar curled up in the crib asleep with Ady! "SNNNNNNNOOOOUUUGGGGH! ZZZZZZZZZZZ!," Oscar snored. "Boy this babysitter is really really really wierd!," Justin mumbled as he walked to his room.

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